Today I'm sharing one of my favorite simple and inexpensive organizing tips. Binder Rings! You can find these at Staples or maybe even Walmart and they come in a variety of sizes. They have so many uses - here are a couple of the ways I use them...
1. To organize & store stickers, rub'ons, etc. You can separate by color, by theme, by season, by person you plan to use them for, etc. I have several rings - one for baby related goodies, one that is mostly decorative, one for holiday & seasonal. Letter stickers would be another good one. I hang these in the closet of my scrapbook room from the wire shelving. You could also hang these on a peg board, from a curtain rod (like in one of my first posts), on a coat rack, or put them in a basket. This makes it so easy to grab to take with you to a crop.
If you are anything like me, it's difficult to throw away birthday or special occasion cards. So, after each birthday I add the cards to a binder ring for that person (if someone gets a Thank you card or Valentine's card, I throw it on the ring also). This is a picture of Evan's (see the heavy chipboard E?) I should probably add some ribbons to the binder ring to make it a little cuter!
This next idea came from my Stampin Up! Demonstrator, Traci. It's a ring that holds examples of each of my punches. I cut out squares of cardstock - punched a punch, added any notes (like 1 3/8" circle), then had them laminated at Staples (you can fit several onto an 8.5x11, so it cost a couple dollars). This is so helpful because you can lay the laminated piece over anything to see what it would look like if you punched it out - and works great to see which punches would work with which stamps. I also got a couple of my friends to punch theirs for me, so I know what I could borrow if I needed it!
Finally, here's a link to a video showing another great way to use binder rings. Just in case you can't view it, it's Lain Ehmann from Layout a Day talking about how she organizes her inspiration. She takes pictures, gets them printed when there are sales wherever she gets photos printed and then punches a hole in the corner and sticks them on a binder ring. She keeps it near her desk and it's always handy to flip through.
I hope you enjoyed this - and let me know how you already use or will use binder rings! See you tomorrow for Mystery Scrap Week #3!
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